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Chinese translation for "yosemite falls"


Related Translations:
yosemite:  n.(美国)约塞密提国立公园。
fallen:  adj.1.落下来的;倒了的。2.陷落了的;已垮台的。3.堕落了的;灭亡的;破落了的;已死的。4.憔悴的。短语和例子fallen angel 沦落的天使;恶魔。 a fallen woman 堕落的女人。 persons fallen in battle 降亡者。 the fallen 阵亡者。 fallen cheeks 憔悴的双颊。
fell:  fell1fall 的过去式。短语和例子fell2vt.1.砍倒(树等);弄倒;打倒。2.把(破缝边缘)缝平。n.1.(树等)一季的采伐量。2.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝。adj.〔古、诗〕残忍的,凶恶的,残暴的,致命的;尖锐的,剧烈的。 a fell and barbarous enemy 凶恶野蛮的敌人。 a fell disease 致命的病。n.-ness
fall:  vi.(fell; fallen )1.落下;散落,(毛发等)脱落;降落;(水银柱等)下降;(物价)下落,跌落;(帘、幕等)放下,垂下;(眼睛、脸色)下沉;(河流)流下,灌注,(地面等)倾斜。2.倒下,摔倒;趴下;塌倒;崩解;瓦解,垮台。3.陷落;失足。4.堕落;(女人)失身。5.死,战死。6.(精神等)衰退;(洪水等)减退,(风力)减弱;(潮水)退落。7.(瞌睡)沉沉,(
falling:  n.1.落下,堕落,下降。2.洼进,凹陷;崩塌;垮台;陷落。3.堕落。短语和例子the falling of the leaf 落叶时节,秋天。adj.1.落下的;垂下的;跌落的。2.衰退的;变衰弱的。3.〔美方〕(天气)像要下雨[下雪]似的。短语和例子a falling intonation [tone] 降调。 falling market 【商业】疲软的行市。
Example Sentences:
1.In the first article , sorenson describes the beauty of the yosemite falls at different times of the year
2.You will enjoy these breathtaking sights : tunnel view , bridal veil fall , el captain , merced river , yosemite fall , half dome
3.Arrive in yosemite national park after lunch . highlights include : tunnel view , bridal veil falls , el captain , merced river , yosemite falls , half dome . overnight stay in fresno
4.I collected a few photos of the yosemite falls , as well as rocks and cloudy skies for reference , all to help find the best way to express the mood , the colors and shapes of the area
5.You will enjoy these breathtaking sights : tunnel view , bridal veil fall , el captain , merced river , yosemite fall , half dome . the day ends with an overnight stay in central california s top city : fresno
6.For an easy stroll in an oasis of quiet , look for cook s meadow just south of the visitor center . continue to visit yosemite falls , the upper , middle , and lower falls form the highest waterfall in north america 2 , 425 feet and the second highest in the world
Yosemite valley这是许多人仅知的部分,山谷有七平方英哩,只占全公园的一百七十分之一,却是公园中主要的精华,以及吃住行主要的中心。
7.If you don t mind to take 3 . 5 miles hike to upper yosemite fall , where you will be rewarded with spectacular valley views away from the crowds . hike to nevada fall , mirror lake , and hike to the summit of half dome , then stop at happy isles nature center
在山谷中的四周,分别有令人叹为观止的峭壁和优胜美地最引人的yosemite falls瀑布上下两层有两千四百英尺内华达瀑布等,以及镜湖快乐岛的自然中心。
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